Sculpted of finely polished bloodstone, this powerful pyramid shaped stone can be of great use in energy work, as well as ritual magic.
With bloodstone functioning naturally as an aid in instilling courageous energies and helping to balance out the chakras, it can be a powerful healing stone. This gemstone strengthens the aura, balances the chakras, and stimulates courage, confidence, and energy. Like the blood in your veins, bloodstone gets energy flowing. Carrying it helps shift energy blocks and clear old thought patterns.
Shaped into a pyramid, these energies can be directed through the stone, helping to increase their potency, “filter” them as you seek to balance them, or otherwise direct them to where they need to be.
This pyramid-shaped stone sits between 25 and 30mm square, varying slightly between each stone.
Approximately 7/8″ – 1 1/4″ from India.