Chaste berries
- curb libido
- counteracting the symptoms of PMS
- boosting fertility
- healthy pregnancy
Chaste berries originating in Europe is also known as Chaste Tree, Monk’s Pepper, and Abraham’s balm. This herb was used for centuries in medieval monasteries to curb libido. Known as the “women’s herb” in regards to estrogen levels with its abilities for counteracting the symptoms of PMS. This makes a great herb in spellwork that has to do with conceiving, inner strength, boosting fertility, or spells to do with healthy pregnancy. Small whole berries should be stored in a sealed container away from direct sunlight, heat and moisture.
Chaste Berries Whole 1oz
- Phoradendron flavescens
- spells of fertility and love
Mistletoe has long been reported to be of great aid in spells of fertility and love, as well as sacred spells of protection, prophetic visions, and passion love magic.
Mistletoe Cut 1oz (phoradendron Flavescens)
Mistletoe Cut 2oz (phoradendron Flavescens)
Cowrie Shells
- Coquilles Cauries
- Good for Divination, Clairvoyance, Spells Associated with Water, Libido, Fertility & Money.
Cowries Shells (coquilles Cauries)
- accept and move on from past experiences
- pregnancy and fertility
Unakite helps you accept and move on from past experiences and keeps you in the present moment.
Candles for Fertility Work
Black Male Genital Candle
Fertility Pillar Candle With Goddess Necklace
Other Special Items