March magic and witchcraft

amethyst crystal

Our customers have been asking us to share information about what they could possibly do this month to enhance a magical practices. And we totally understand that you have a life outside of witchcraft and there is so much information on witchcraft it’s hard to know what you can do to stay relevant each month.

In March, you could focus on magic related to rebirth, renewal, and growth, aligning with the energies of the approaching spring season.

Some relevant correspondences include:

1. **Plants and Flowers**: Incorporate herbs and flowers associated with spring, such as daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. Use them in rituals, spells, or potions to symbolize new beginnings and growth.

2. **Colors**: Use colors like green, symbolizing growth and fertility, and yellow, representing the increasing sunlight and vitality of the season.

3. **Stones**: Work with crystals like aquamarine, amethyst, and bloodstone, which are associated with cleansing, renewal, and vitality.

4. **Astrological Sign**: March is associated with the zodiac signs Pisces and Aries. You can draw on their respective energies for intuition, creativity, and courage.

5. **Moon Phases**: Pay attention to the moon phases throughout March. Perform rituals aligned with the new moon for planting seeds of intention and the full moon for manifestation and fruition.

6. **Elemental Correspondences**: Work with the element of water, as March is often associated with rain and melting snow, symbolizing purification and emotional healing.

7. **Holidays and Festivals**: Consider incorporating themes from holidays like Ostara (spring equinox) and St. Patrick’s Day into your magical practice, focusing on themes of rebirth, luck, and abundance.

By aligning your magic with these correspondences, you can harness the energies of March to facilitate personal growth, transformation, and abundance in your life.

Here’s a simple spell incorporating March witchcraft correspondences:

**Spring Renewal Spell**


1. A small potted plant or seeds (representing growth and renewal)

2. Green candle (symbolizing growth and vitality)

3. Aquamarine or amethyst crystal (for cleansing and renewal)

4. Spring water or rainwater (symbolizing purification and new beginnings)

5. A piece of paper and pen


1. Set up your altar or sacred space with the plant, candle, crystal, water, and paper and pen.

2. Light the green candle, focusing on its flame and visualizing the energy of growth and renewal filling the space around you.

3. Hold the crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to connect with the energy of the crystal and the season of spring.

4. Write down on the piece of paper one thing you wish to release or transform to make space for new growth and renewal in your life.

5. Fold the paper and hold it between your palms. Visualize the unwanted energy or situation leaving your life, making space for fresh opportunities and growth.

6. Plant the folded paper in the soil of the potted plant or bury it in a patch of earth, symbolizing the transformation and renewal of the energy.

7. Sprinkle a few drops of spring water or rainwater over the soil, infusing it with the energy of purification and new beginnings.

8. Close the ritual by thanking the elements, the plant, the crystal, and any deities or spirits you work with for their guidance and assistance.

9. Allow the candle to burn down safely or extinguish it with gratitude, knowing that the energy of renewal and growth will continue to manifest in your life.

This spell harnesses the correspondences of March, focusing on renewal, growth, and purification, to help you release old energies and invite in fresh opportunities for transformation and abundance.

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