Magick for Gambling and Winning
There are many beliefs and superstitions on how to win. Both witches and the everyday person have success using their own tricks for increasing their chances of winning at Casinos to Lottery Draws.
Curios are just objects until you infuse life into the object with your magical cosmic intention. There are so tips to share, however these should give you a nice launch into gambling success!
To Gain Luck in Gambling
Some people just seem to be lucky at games of chance. Gambling in one form or another has been around for centuries.
Candles Used For Gambling Candle Magic
- Hunchback candle
- Fast Luck (seven colors) candle
- Casino/Gamblers candle
- Lucky Lottery/Bingo
- Green candles
- Gold candles
- Lucky Lottery 7-day Jar Candle
- Loadestone 7 Day Jar Candle
- Bayberry (veladora Arrayan) Aromatic Jar Candle
- Money Drawing Green Jar Candle
- Money Rain Green 7 Day Jar Candle
- Green 7-day Jar Candle
SPECIAL OFFER: Buy 2 Jar/Glass candles and receive 1 Free (or $10 discount).
We support your magical goals! It is always better to burn consecutive candles on a petition. Also, don’t forget…..we always burn candles in ODD numbers.
Gambling oils
- Gambling Oils
- Carnation
- Lucky Hand
- Easy Life
- Lucky Slots
- Gambler’s Luck
- Lucky Win
- Has No Hanna, aka Has No Harra
- Narcisse or Narcissus
- Jockey Club
- 3 Jacks and a King, same as 3 Knaves and a King Lady
- Luck Number 20 or Special #20
- Lucky Bingo
- 3 Jacks and a Queen Lucky Dog
- Winner’s Circle
Write your name nine times on your petition paper or if using a jar candle write your name nine times down the jar and state what you want in one word.
Other Tips:
- If you like to say prayers over the candle here are the ones you should say – Psalms 4 (three times), 76, and 65.
- Take a spiritual bath made with seven holy herbs.
- Wear Jockey Club cologne.
Make your own gambling Mojo bag
Carry a Gambling mojo/gris-gris with you while you are gambling. To make this yourself, in a red flannel bag put a tonka bean, nutmeg, High John root, a piece of Dragon’s Blood reed wrapped in a dollar bill, a buckeye, and red clover.
- When not gambling, keep it near the candles.
Alligators foot
You can take an Alligator foot dress with a Money Oil, place a dollar coin or mercury dime (you add this – dressed with the oil), along with a piece of pyrite or lodestone into claw of foot. Wrap foot in green mojo and carry to draw money and keep your money safe.
ALSO – You can write a petition and add it to your Mojo bag as well. Remember once you create the Mojo bag don’t open it again, and don’t get it wet. Also, don’t let other people play with it!
These are real preserved feet from Louisiana gators. They were not killed just for their feet. Every part of the gator is utilized and they’ve been a staple food and income for families on the bayous for centuries.
Gator feet are said to draw luck, increase gambling luck, and said to be a highly protective charm. It is said to protect money, and help one gain money.
- It can be carried, worn as a charm, or on a key chain.
- It can be added to a mojo or charm bag along with other lucky charms, amulets and herbs and carried for luck.
- TIP – Other charms that are nice to combine with the Lucky Alligator foot are buckeye nut, lucky hand root, lodestones, pyrite, etc.
- You can anoint a Lucky Alligator foot with fast luck, money drawing oil, or show me the money oil, to draw further luck and prosperity.
Other tip: You can also place by your bank book or on your money altar.
Hoyt’s Cologne
Developed in 1868 and is truly an old-fashioned fragrance reminiscent of early American colognes. Hoyt’s is widely believed to bring good luck and power.
Considered to be a spiritual cologne that has been used traditionally by those wishing to increase their ability to manifest luck.
- 3/4 fluid ounces in a glass bottle with a decorative label.
- The bottle is approximately 4 inches tall.
3/4oz Hoyt’s cologne
Hoyt’s cologne is said to be lucky to wear while gambling by rubbing on your hands right before. Clean, pleasant cologne scent keeps you smelling good and winning big.Hoyt’s Cologne is used heavily by gamblers to increase their odds and winning potential. Believed to be a lucky rub for gamblers, rub Hoyt’s Cologne on your hands right before you go gambling to draw good luck!
- Spiritual colognes can be worn on the body like a standard cologne or perfume
This famous cologne has other uses as well……..
- Can also be used to empower your magickal tools.
- Another recommendation would be to use it to anoint a mojo bag to strengthen it’s powers
- Place a splash of Hoyt’s Cologne in your bath or floor wash for cleansing.
Spirit Guides & Ancestors – We know they mostly give us answers in our dream state, so I recommend you take this advice first. Learn how to LISTEN to their messages as they may be giving you the winning numbers and you haven’t been listen. I recommend a book below to help you connect.
This book can be a powerful and important tool to help you profit from the messages in your dreams. Inside you will find numerological interpretations for over 3000 dream symbols.
TIP: Keep a pad and pencil near your bed and write down the most outstanding feature of each dream you have during the night. In the morning, find the topic within these pages and use those numbers in your daily lottery picks.
Black Cat products
Black Cat products are very traditional in hoodoo and conjure for gambling. Traditionally, the products were made by boiling of a black cat at midnight, and creating all the byproducts from this ritual. You will be happy to know that modern black cat products are not made with the same methods – so you decide for yourself!
- Black Cat Oil – for dressing candles and mojo bags for gambling
- Black Cat Biologicals (see note above)
- Black Cat Bone – #1 for adding to a mojo and dressing with the oil above. It is used to create powerful amulet and attraction amulets for business, money and customers. Worn on the body , bone increases rapidly luck in gambling and lotteries.
- Black Cat Eye – is a magically treated root used as a good luck charm. It is most often used to help in gambling, business, or winning love.
- Black Cat Powder – Dress your notes, mojo, or rub on your hands before you start playing
- Black Cat Candles
- Black Cat Figural Candle – the black cat is burned in rituals designed to increase luck
- Black Cat Candle – a standard go-to for all black magic spellcasting
- Black Cat Soy Votive Candle
- Black Cat Pillar Candle 3 x 6
- 6 x 7 ” Black Cat Candle
Other Ideas
- Buckeye: Carry a buckeye in your pocket to bring you success in games of chance
- Lucky Hand Root – rare herb has a reputation within magical tradition for bringing good luck and protecting its own from harm.
- Alligator Claws are also popular too – Kept in your pocket, purse, or mojo bag as a token of good luck, this Alligator claw is particularly useful if you are going to be gambling, or playing games of chance.
- Bat Heart Root is traditionally used within a gris gris bag or mojo bag, this Bat Heart Root is said to attract good luck for games of chance. Not a real bat’s heart, no bats were harmed.
If making your own lucky talisman is too much work for you, buy a ready made talisman. When you receive it, just run it through some incense to bring life into it, and share with it your purpose!
- Change Your Luck Amulet
- Charms Of Luck Amulet
- Lucky 8 Talisman Amulet
- 7 Metals Amulet
- Seal Of Solomon Health And Prosperity Amulet
- Black Cat & Horseshoe Amulet
- Money Cat Amulet
- Gambling Charm
- Alligator Claw
Mojo’s & Voodoo’s
Lottery Oils
1-3oz Lucky Lottery (loteria D Srte) W- Pheromones
Haitian Gambler Oil With Root 4 Dram
Lady Luck Oil 4 Dram
Larger Sizes (for weekly work)
Herbs For Fortune and luck:
- Hazel: It is said that if you carry hazelnuts in your pocket to draw good fortune your way, or hang a bough of hazel branches above your door. Now we like to burn hazel on our charcoal disc during a spell or ritual
- Witch Hazel Leaf Cut 1oz (hamamelis Virginiana)
- 1 Lb Witch Hazel Leaf Cut (hamamelis Virginiana)
- Pomegranate: Use pomegranate seeds in dessert and drinks to bring about prosperity and abundance. Or you could burn a Pomegranate Chime Candle
- Snakeroot: In some forms of folk magic, snakeroot – a folkloric name for black cohosh – is used to get rid of bad luck that may have been inflicted upon you magically. Use it around your home to eliminate negative fortunes.
- Sunflower: Planting sunflowers around your home and garden will bring fortune your way. It is also said that if you pick a sunflower at sunset, then wear it on your person, it will bring you good luck the following day.
- Clover: Clovers and shamrocks are a well-known symbol of good luck – carry one in your wallet!
- John The Conqueror
Don’t forget these ol time homemade luck curios
The Wishbone Wishing Ritual
1. Carefully remove the wishbone from the turkey. The wishbone is very fragile so do your best to avoid breaking it. If the wishbone is broken before the ritual can be done then it is useless and you miss out on the wish for the year.
2. Two people will think of a wish. Do not speak the wish out loud but rather keep it to yourself.
3. Each person will grab one end of the wishbone and then close their eyes.
4. At a given signal, each person will pull their end of the wishbone until the wishbone snaps in two pieces. The two can then open their eyes.
5. The person holding the longer portion of the wishbone will have his/her wish granted. Again, keep the wish a secret and do not speak it out loud or tell anyone else what the wish is.
Links to BMW Gambling Books:
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