Readings by Blonde Gypsy
Tarot Reading for 60 Minutes
Moon Oracle Reading

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Moon Oracle Reading
Marinated in Suan ming (Chinese fortune telling) from birth, it started with cartomancy, astrology and oneiromancy (cards, stars and dreams). Later came tasseomancy (tea-leaf reading), crystal & herbal magic, sigil magic, witchcraft, some classical philosophy, Jung’s archetypes and Joseph Campbell’s mythology, all shaken up and served with some crushed mint, a twist of lime and imbibed, often barefoot, under moons of all phases. I'm a self-confessed LUNAtic, a moonshine lush, I ebb and flow with each phase. The moon plays a pivotal part of my magical rituals and as a guide in my divination and I am now an accredited Luna Mystic. ~ Blonde Gypsy~