Easy Ways to Create Servitors

Did you know that you could create a spirit being out of your thoughts? We live in a world that is full of mystery, and an example is the possibility of creating energy beings called servitors. What is a servitor? This refers to a thought form, an idea, energy, or a living being created by […]

Introduction to Magick

What is magick? Aleister Crowley defined magick as “the process of causing change in conformity with WILL.” It is spelled with a “k” to differentiate it from magic tricks that are easily performed by illusionists. Magick is all about intentions, goals, and working with energies. There is a common phrase that says, “Thoughts create things.” […]

Introduction to Knots and Cords Magick

Knot magick has been in existence for centuries. Ancient shamans and witches practiced this form of magick. Who would have ever thought that a piece of knotted rope could create changes in the physical world? Actually, the power comes from your mind (intention) and not from the rope. In the early days, various knots were […]

How to Practice Automatic Writing

Automatic writing or psychography is a process that enables a writer to produce written words without consciously writing. This form of writing is different from free writing. During the act, the conscious mind of the writer steps to the background while the individual’s spirit guide steps forward to dictate the words that are written down. […]

The power of singing bowls

The harmonies created by Himalayan singing bowls are used to wash space. Ideally, the goal is to achieve a perfect balance of yin and yang energies. This method is particularly beneficial before ritual. It has a soothing effect on participants as well: beyond cleansing, it is also used to balance and harmonize energies—excellent for the […]