Goofer’s dust is most well known to the hoodoo practice, where it is used in powerful curses against your enemies.
“Goofer” derives from the Kikongo word “kufwa,” meaning “to die,” and 99.5 percent of Goofer Dust’s uses are malevolent. Thousands of recipes exist, with practitioners boasting of the potency of their private blends.
Make your own Goofer Dust
- Graveyard dust
- salt
- sulfur (brimstone.)
If available you could also add:
- gunpowder
- church bell grease.
Goofer Dust allegedly causes the target of the spell to become weak and confused. Powers of speech, concentration, and thought are allegedly affected; the target acts “goofy.” Some claim Goofer Dust leaves victims crawling on all fours, barking like a dog. Particularly potent Goofer Dust, real “killing powder,” causes the victim to waste away, eventually dying if an antidote is not found.