How to use a black skull candle in witchcraft

How to use a black skull candle in witchcraft

Skull candles come in multiple colors (including white, black, green, and red) and can be used to represent the human cranium and the thoughts within.  In magic and witchcraft, a black skull candle is often used for rituals related to banishing, protection, and transformation. Its purpose can vary based on the specific tradition or belief system of the practitioner.

How skull candles are used in various traditions

  •  Celtic tradition the skull was believed to be the place where the soul resided. The Celts would place skulls into sacred wells because they were thought to be associated with the water element. In this way, the soul of the deceased was cleansed and renewed, making a person ready for eternity in the afterlife.
  • India, skulls adorned ancient gods and goddesses in the form of necklaces or bracelets. This was meant to show their divine ability to conquer death. Nataraja (an incarnation of Shiva), for instance, wears a necklace of skulls around his neck as he dances the dance of creation. This garland of skulls in Hindu culture represented the passing of time and the life/death cycle for all mortal beings.
  • Mexico – the Lady of the Land of the Dead was revered and respected. Today, she is better known as La Santa Muerte (Holy Death). When wishing to gain favor from La Santa Muerte, skull candles (also known as muerte contra mis enemigos or “death against mine enemies”) can be used.
  • Hoodoo, skull candles are used similarly to poppets or Vodou dolls, and are often utilized to effect an individual’s mind.

The Black Skull Candle

Generally, a black skull candle is associated with darker aspects of magic, such as breaking negative patterns, banishing harmful influences, or gaining control over one’s fears and anxieties. Sometimes this can be your own mind.

Some will hollow out the mouth of the poppet/doll and fill it in with alum or tobacco to stop the specific individual from speaking ill of you or those you are trying to protect. The eye sockets can be filled in with wax, or you can stick sharp objects like pins or nails in them which will prevent a person from noticing them either visually or psychically, or in other cases to give them migraine headaches by sticking nails or pins above the eyes or the temples.

A basic method to use a black skull candle in witchcraft

To use a black skull candle in witchcraft, one common method involves the following steps:

1. *Set Intentions:* Clearly define your intention for the ritual. Are you seeking protection, banishing negativity, or personal transformation? Your intention guides the energy of the ritual.

2. *Prepare the Candle:* Carve symbols, words, or names into the black skull candle that represent your intention. This could be anything from personal fears you want to overcome to the name of a person or situation you wish to banish from your life.

3. *Dress the Candle:* Anoint the candle with oils or herbs associated with your intention. Common choices include oils like frankincense for protection or sage for cleansing, and herbs like rosemary for mental clarity or basil for banishing negativity.

4. *Create Sacred Space:* Set up a quiet, undisturbed space for your ritual. Light some candles, burn incense, or play soft music to create a soothing atmosphere.

5. *Focus and Visualization:* Light the candle and focus on its flame. Visualize your intention coming to fruition. Imagine the negative energies or obstacles being dissolved or transformed.

6. *Speak Your Intention:* Speak your intention aloud, clearly and confidently. You can recite a prepared spell, chant, or simply speak from the heart. Be specific and assertive in your words.

7. *Meditation and Concentration:* Meditate on your intention while the candle burns. Concentrate on the outcome you desire.

8. *Extinguish the Candle:* Let the candle burn out completely, or extinguish it safely if you can’t leave it unattended. Some practitioners prefer to bury the remaining wax to symbolize burying the issue or banishing it from their lives.

9. *Trust the Process:* Trust that your intention has been set in motion. Stay open to signs and opportunities that might help manifest your intention.

How to Curse using a Black Skull Candle

  1. To prepare your candle, you should hollow the areas out that you’d like to target on the person (soldering iron works wonders) and proceed load it with this persons personal essence. If you have saved anything, a little bit of hair or nail clippings, a straw, cigarette, or a piece of clothing they wear and even their handwriting. Anything that is a representation of them and their essence.
  2. You can carve the person’s name across their forehead to really personalize this work. In the case of reversing a spell, you would need to write the name in reverse.
  3. Dress your candle with the appropriate oil(s) and place your petition underneath the candle itself.
  4. When the time is right to light the candle speak your petition and make it absolutely known as to your intention and the desired result. Many of us will speak to the candle everyday as it is now an actual person. Scream at them, whisper in their ears taunting them.
  5. When your  spell has been fulfilled and come to an end you will to burn the petition and then dispose of it and the remains of your candle and any affects you have added. There are different methods of disposal depending on the work being done. Bury on your property if you want it for yourself and if you need to get rid of it dispose of it at a crossroads or in running water.


A Banishing ritual using a black skull candle

Use a black skull candle. After taking a cleansing bath with sea salt, set the intention to banish only negative thoughts and/or to overcome bad habits. Banishing oil can help with this intention. Be sure to be very specific in your intention about what you’d like to banish – especially because you don’t want to wipe out any positive energy.

Optional: Burn some Banishing incense or Angelica root alongside the candle. You can also add other herbs along with a written intention folded into the space under the base of the candle. Carving your name and astrological sign into the candle will make the spell more personalized.

What is the meaning of the other skull candles’ colors?

Here are options in color of the candles and what they mean:

Black – Cursing, hexing, Breaking bonds (whether mental, emotional or physical) and general cursing and binding

Green – Luck, Money, Gambling, Prosperity and Justice

Red – Friendship, Love, Marriage (work towards marriage or increase the positivity of it), Passion, Lust

White – healing, protection, uncrossing, removing negativity, general magick and also a neutral colour in the event that no other colour is available to you

Here is a link to some of these products in our store:

5″  Black Skull

Black Skull Candle 

1oz Banishing Oil

It’s a good idea to cleanse after any type of Ritual, especially if you’re using skull, candles

Protection Bath Salts

Protection Bath Kit

1-3oz Cleansing (limpias) W- Pheromones

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