Necromancy is the ancient method of communication with the dead. It has to do with the control of spirits, and takes its name from the Greek words nekro, which means “dead” and mancia which means “divination.”
Necromancy can be divided into two main branches: divination by means of ghosts, and divination by means of corpses. The second method has led to the exhumation of corpses and the theft of tombs for spooky spells that certain magicians and witches consider necessary for the effective performance of the magical arts.
Necromancy is a universal practice of great antiquity that only a brave and experienced sorcerer has the chance to execute successfully, because it is considered as extremely dangerous. To invoke the dead the sorcerer needs to obtain the help of powerful spirits, both for his own protection and to force the corpse or ghost to submit to his will.
A spell from ancient Greece calls upon the powers of the mighty Kore, Persephone, Ereshkigal, Adonis, Hermes and Thot, to subdue the dead. According to a ritual described by Seneca, the Roman playwright, the invocation of the dead involves not only a bonfire but also an altar soaked in blood.
Essences and aromas should be used for their powerful influences. Some elaborate preparations include a careful study of the positions of the planets, the moon and the influence of Saturn.
The site for necromancy has to be chosen with care, the most favorable is a crossroads of solitary roads, a vault, a ruin, an unfrequented forest, or an enchanted space.
Once you have decided in favor of the procedure, you should draw a series of concentric circles of energy on the ground, in which the crosses and other symbols are inscribed, along with the holy names of God. The circle must be blessed and consecrated, with the magician and his assistant standing in its center, protected by the holy names of all danger. Then, with the wand in his hand, the sorcerer summons the dead to rise, using names of power.
Some sorcerers have suggested the need for some attempt of identification between the living and the dead, such as the presence of a portrait, or a piece of bread that the ghost would be invited to consume. In his invocation, the magician calls the dead by name and, if successful, must face the terrible experience of a ghost screaming and sputtering with rage at being forced against his will to return to the realm of the living. Sometimes the dead appear in the form of angry furious beasts on the circle and threaten to destroy the sorcerer to pieces. Necromancy is not easy, as you see.
When the dead finally decide to submit to the will of the sorcerer he often transforms himself into a naked man who is willing to answer the questions asked of him. After the operation, it is necessary to dismiss the dead, who usually disappear by means of sulfur clouds. In no case, the sorcerer must leave the protection of the magic circle before this. You also have to get rid of all the flowers of the place, burn them, and bury the ashes deep in the earth.
The whole operation is full of terrible dangers, because the slightest deviation from the ritual could imply the destruction of the practitioner and even cause injury to his soul.
Necromancy Tutorial: How to invoke a spirit from a grave
Under normal circumstances, the dead do not return as ghosts. If they do, there must be a special reason. It follows that if a living person wishes to establish communication with the dead on their own terms, it is necessary to have the most elaborate precautions that magic offers as an insurance against becoming the victim of the righteous wrath of ghosts. In addition, there is always the possibility that the summoned phantom is nothing other than a demon in disguise.
As the hour of midnight arrives, the sorcerer, having finished the preliminary rites, calls out with a sepulchral voice:
“The dead rise up and come to me!”
Then he moves through the cemetery scattering the land of the cemetery around him. To convoke the dead from the grave he shouts:
“Come! I seek you to come”
To dismiss the dead he orders them:
“Return to the Kingdom of the Chosen!”
Some occultists hold the opinion that the sorcerer, in calling the spirits of the dead, does not actually summon the ghost but the astral corpse.
More on Necromancy:
The use of corpses as ingredients for spells and potions is closely associated with necromancy, and is one of the best known techniques of witchcraft. A violent death, or any premature termination of life, increases the magical value of human flesh, which is assumed to contain some element of vitality not consumed within it.
At the beginning of the sixteenth century it was written that: “Some take a small piece of the buried corpse, nails, teeth, hair, ears, bones, flesh, etc.. especially the corpse of a person who has hanged himself or suffered a shameful death.
The demand for macabre remains, especially the flesh of unbaptized babies, was responsible for many grave looting.
Among the best-known cases involving human flesh in magic, is that of the Irish witch, Alice Kytetfy, who was accused of using the hair of a corpse and the skull of a thief in one of her formulas. A moss that grew on the skull of the hanged men was always in great demand.
Despite how dangerous these rituals might be, necromancy is still practiced. This blog doesn’t advise that you practice this except you are well skilled and fortified.
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