Reiki Therapy: Origin and Benefits

In modern times, humanity has become aware of the importance of preserving both physical and mental health. More and more people are turning to different disciplines and techniques, mainly those of Western origin that practice self-healing through various spiritual methods.

According to the experiences and reports about this type of practices, it is known that the results are truly amazing when the individual assumes it as a way of life and applies it correctly. In this article, we want to talk to you about the science of Reiki healing and its numerous benefits.

Origin and History of Reiki Therapy

Dr. Mikao Usui , President and Minister of a Christian school in Kyoto, Japan, first discovered the radicular system of Reiki in the mid-1800s . Dr. Usui spent many years in search of a form of self-healing through the connection of energy and the use of his own hands and it was not until 1922 when he decided to attend a 21-day training course in the Kurama Yama. During that period, by means of a deep meditation, he had the revelation of the Reiki .

During his meditation, he began to see the ancient Sanskrit symbols, which was later used in developing the Usui Reiki system, a personal work of his spiritual evolution. It was then that he established a clinic in Kyoto and began to teach people about this healing system.

Fundamentals of Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a therapeutic technique of channeling vital energy through the imposition of hands, following the principles of acupuncture, shiatsu or reflexology.

For this, Reiki applies the theory of the energy fields that run through the body and, through the hands, balances those channels and unlocks the stagnant energy generated by the disease.

According to the philosophy of Reiki , physical, emotional, mental or spiritual illness arises when an energy field is blocked . By re-establishing the normal flow of energy through the Reiki technique, our body can effectively activate its survival system and restore health and vitality. For this reason, Reiki works in different fields with the following benefits:

Physical : To improve any ailment of the body.
Emotional : To work on emotional problems, dissatisfaction, fear, discomfort, anger, etc
Mental : Insomnia, stress, etc.
Spiritual : Peace, harmony, happiness.


To start a Reiki therapy, we need a Reiki therapist and a patient. Reiki therapists are people who have studied the technique and can carry it out with a patient. One of the benefits of Reiki is that anyone can be treated, has no side effects, or contraindications.

When we talk about a Reiki therapy we are not talking about invasive or aggressive therapies, quite the contrary. It is not necessary to have a specific problem to receive a therapy, many people use it as a tool to feel better with themselves, less stressed and less burdened.


  • It calms and relieves stress and anxiety.
  • The immune system is activated (and is essential in the treatment of the disease).
  • Help in the treatment for the elimination of addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs) and undesirable habits.
  • Stimulates creativity, memory and concentration.
  • It gives a feeling of emotional relief during and after the application. Reiki helps in the process of releasing emotions.
  • It provokes a feeling of total comfort, relaxation and peace.
  • Provides cleansing and clarification of the field of energy.
  • Help in spiritual growth.
  • Relieves insomnia.
  • Relieves fears and phobias.

A Reiki session is a process that opens the seven chakras and connects them with the source of energy. The person who decides to learn this healing technique is taught to feel, channel and transmit energy through the imposition of hands, thus acting as an energy channel.

A Reiki session can last between 45 minutes and an hour, although this is dependent on some other factors. Finally, it is important to note that a Reiki does not replace traditional medicine because each works in different fields. A Reiki therapist does not diagnose nor act directly on specific diseases, but the treatment is part of the recovery of the recipient’s health process, making him more agile and effective.



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