How to Prepare Oba Incense and Devotional Oil

If you are a worshipper of Obba then you must know the necessary ingredients to use in preparing her sweet smelling oil and incense.  The use of Obba incense during worship ceremony creates a communication between the worshippers and the orisha.

Let us see a simple recipe for preparing an Oba incense and devotional oil. Take note that you can add more items in your preparation. Just find out what she likes and the required quantities then add them up to spice up your aroma.

How to Prepare Oba Incense

Items Required:

  • 3 star anise seeds for Eshu
  • a handful of copal
  • a tablespoon basil
  • a pinch of garlic
  • a handful finely chopped or powdered (as well as possible) pink tea roses
  • 1 finely chopped or powdered bay leaf
  • 1/4 cup dried, crushed okra seeds
  • 1 teaspoon Himalayan ( Alternatively you can use Senegalese pink salt or Hawaiian red salt)
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika

 Procedures for Preparing Oba Incense:

  • Gather all your ingredients into a mortar and crush with the pestle.
  • Get a pretty pink bowl or jar with a lid
  • Pour the ingredients into the jar and cover it.
  • Burn this incense during prayers to Obba.

How to Make Oba Devotional Oil

Items Required:

  • 6 seeds star anise, cracked, not crushed, for Eshu
  • 1-liter olive oil
  • a teaspoon pink or red salt
  • a teaspoon of dried basil
  • 1 small sweet red pepper seed area with the seeds
  • 1 dried clove of garlic
  • 1 bay leaf
  • a handful of tea roses


  • After you have gotten all your ingredients, place them in a jar or bottle,
  • Add olive oil all over the content,
  • Give it a good shake
  • Focus on charging this content with your energy.
  • Meditate on your desires.
  • Consecrate then keep in a cool, dry, and dark place for between 3 to 8 months.
  • After this duration, your oba oil is ready for use.

History of Orisha Obba:

She was originally from the Takua land, although her cult spread through the land of Oyó and Tapa. She is revered in Africa, America and Europe because of her strength and love for her husband. She is also referred to as a jealous orisha who fights with swords to protect her territory.

According to folklore, this orisha sacrificed her ear to prepare a delicious meal for Chango her husband. This act led to her banishment from her husband’s house. She felt betrayed by her sister Oya who gave her the wrong advice and due to sorrow, she decided to live in the cemetery. Her favorite colors are pink, lilac and white and she is syncretized as Saint Rita who is celebrated on November 25.




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