The Magical Uses of Flowers


Magic is an art with the ability to achieve extraordinary effects by natural means that cannot be explained. It requires the power of our concentration, effort, will and energy to achieve its purpose. Magic is an interesting art which shouldn’t be abused. We already know that Nature is very wise and will always return to […]

How To Perform A Love Sweetening Ritual With Honey and Cinnamon


Love sweetening rituals are performed to enhance and strengthen the love that exits between the couple. These rituals help to prevent misunderstanding, fights, infidelity and other issues that might arise in the relationship. Cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac.  Due to its indispensable seductive aroma, it has become a common element used in love moorings.  It […]

How to Cast Revenge Spells on Your Ex

When you met him, you loved him so much and he claimed to have loved you too. Then as time went on, you developed complete trust in him and he meant more than the whole world to you. Who would have imagined that he would suddenly betray and hurt you so badly?  If you have […]

Gnostic Pentagram Ritual

by Peter Carrol SOURCE: this is excerpted from Peter Carroll’s “Liber Kaos“, a very good primer on Chaos Magick recommended to any student of chaos magick who is serious about pursuits in the occult arts. Liber Kaos is considered a complete, advanced magical training course for the individual or for groups, with details of the author’s […]

The Doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

The Pakruti or the personal constitution of each person has a very special meaning in Ayurveda.  The balance or imbalance of the three doshas ( pitta, kapha and vata) has a way of influencing the individual. Meanwhile, the balance differs in each individual because everyone has his/her own special set of challenges and attributes. Understanding […]