Commanding Voodoo Doll Spell

voodoo doll spell

Updated: April 5th, 2021 It is a simple voodoo doll/poppet style spell, that doesn’t involve poppet activation. Therefore it is more of a witchcraft style spell, than a voodoo/hoodoo style poppet spell. This commanding spell is to be done over 3 nights. I recommend you do this spell when the moon is WAXING – meaning, […]

Crystals to Enhance Divination

This is my list of crystals I find helpful for use in divination. In bold are the stones I use at every reading. Some are powerful conductors which help me get into state and connect to source, some aid in interpreting the messages and some are for protection. This list is by no mean exhaustive, […]

Easy Money Spell using Sesame Seeds

money spell

The Use of Sesame seeds in Magic! “Open sesame” was the magical password for entrance to the cave in “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.’ The phrase refers to the fact that ripe sesame seed pods open with a sharp pop at the slightest touch. Magical Uses: Lust, money Sesame seeds are a natural money drawing […]

About Quartz Crystal


Crystals are worn, placed upon altars, added to conjure bags, placed under pillows and used in a wide variety of spells. Beyond specific geologic analysis, distinctions between rocks, crystals, and gemstones tend to derive from human perception of value, with the term “gemstone” implying greatest value, “plain rock” the least. Of course, what’s valuable from […]


Sassafras has the power to bring about Good Fortune in Money Matters, particularly through Business Success and the steady Increase of Wealth. – Add to your wallet to ensure your money stays and grows – To money maintenance and growth oil Sassafras leaves are aromatic and can be used as: a positive energy generator by simply placing in […]