Magic and definitely help students study more affectively, and have more luck in passing exams. We have performed many spells and magic from different traditions for our clients, and have found that the only time the magic fails is if they don’t study at all! Unfortunately spirit doesn’t provide a free ride for anybody, but they will help someone that chooses to also help them self.

Ideas in Candle Magic

Some of the key herbs are red clover, sage and Rosemary. You may wish to burn any of these  combinations while you are studying to help you focus, and reduce nervousness.

Just use the search bar to find these products in the store. There are other ways you can use the herb, such as in a soap, or in types of incense sticks

Red Clover Cut 2oz (trifolium Pratense)

Rosemary Leaf Whole 4oz (rosemary Officinalis)

White Sage Smudge Kit

We recommend you always burn a series of three candles, as candle work should be done in odd numbers. I recommend three because you want to have the candles burning as you study leading up to the exam, and as each candle takes around 4 to 7 days to burn, this is going to give you a lot of time to prepare and optimise your chance of success.

Plain jar candles

  • You can use a blue jar candle, and dress it with some success oil. You can add a pinch of these herbs, sage and Rosemary, and while you’re studying you may wish to burn some success incense.
  • To control your situation, use an orange candle and dress it with controlling oil adding the same herbs as in the blue candle

High John the Conqueror Candle

John the Conqueror Is renowned to help people overcome some of the problems and challenges they are currently facing, and it is no exception when it comes to helping a student study for exams and passing. The colour of this candle is normally purple, and it is suggested you add some of the John the Conqueror oil, and a pinch of red clover.

Cross of Caravaca Candle

  • This candle can sometimes be hard to find, so we like to hang the Cross of Caravaca onto the side of the candle during the burning.
  • You should dress the candle with success oil
  • Write your name onto the jar
  • Add one Tonka bean.

If you like to say prayers from the Bible, these Psalms are recommended to say before you study and before your exam.

  • P: 19, 119, versus 9 to 16 of both
  • To pass the exam say psalm 134

Recommended books on this matter

Magical Power Of The Saints By Ray Malbrough

Advanced Candle Magick & ; By Raymond Buckland

Free info

All about candles and reading the candle after spell


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